ntah season brp pun is not bother me at all..
b4 tis i dont hv intention to watch tis movie since the story is about college student...
tp smlm lps tgk cite korea, cite gng plak.. x solat isyak lg aku terus je tgk movie ni.. best gak laa rs pasni nk tgk cite ni lg.. ok on wed at 930pm my schedule is gol n gincu.. maybe sbb character diorg grown up maturedly
lps ni cite korea skrg gnti ngn cite coffee prince lak...
Semua itu telah ku lihat... hahahahaha. Nampak sangat ko melalui hari2 yang sangat buhsan! hahahahahahha
cofee prince.... sejak bila prince ada kopi.... wakakakakkakaka
my god.. u dont know coffee has his prince? Very cute... kan nhanania? Try la its "bootylicious". Me? like to watch n dont ever wanted to try... hahahahaha
mmg prince of the coffee very cute n hensem too.. b4 tis tgk translation in english mcm x syok jer..kt tv kn in malay. rs lg kelakar.
hahahha lawak la ko Kematz....
GnG tuh season2 (kalo x silap la)
Ko layan la cter Ghost kat 8tv kol10 mlm tiap2 ahad...best cter nih
cmne la ko leh smpt tgk tv..aku jgn kate nk nonton, peti telebisyen yg gedabak tu pn aku xsmpt nk tgk..huhuhuhu
Betul tu kasut! sungguh busy smpi si kasut ni nak bayar bill tepon pon tak sempat! last2 kena bar! hehehe.. kasut... kasut....
ku dh byr lar..huhu
ahad mlm lps tgk heroes aku tgk supernatural lak...sam n dean.. hero hantu.
skrg ni aku br nk start tgk cite ugly betty lak..tetibe suke tgk..
hahha i'm a homey person la kasut.
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